The Anthropocenes Network

Museum of the Anthropocene

Museum of the Anthropocene (MoA) is an experimental project that develops multi-sited, synchronous, interactive, networked environmental installations across the globe.


  • Scott Ashley, Senior Lecturer in History Newcastle University

  • Ninad Bondre, Managing Editor of Elevate Scientific

  • Aaron Cooke, Arctic Technology Campus, Danish Technical University in Greenland

  • Nina Elder, Artist and Co-founder of the Wheelhouse Institute

  • Jim Enote, Executive Director, A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center

  • Jason M. Kelly, Director of the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute and Associate Professor of History

  • Mark Kesling, Director, The DaVinci Pursuit (Indianapolis)

  • Fiona McDonald, Assistant Professor OF Visual & Media Anthropology at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan

  • Phil Scarpino, Director of Public History Program and Professor of History at IUPUI 

  • Gaia Vince, Journalist, broadcaster, and author

  • Judy Ling Wong, Artist, environmentalist, Honorary President Black Environment Network (BEN)


  • Mohamed El-Sharkawy, IUPUI Internet of Things Collaboratory Director and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Mangilal Agarwal, Director of the Integrated Nanosystems Development Institute at IUPUI

  • Dewant Katare, Graduate Student in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Internet of Things Collaboratory at IUPUI