The Anthropocenes Network

Rivers of the Anthropocene

A Transdisciplinary Network Examining Global River Systems


Rivers of the Anthropocene brings together scientists, humanists, social scientists, artists, policy makers, and community organizers to spark interdisciplinary discussion about humans and their freshwater environments

80% of the world’s population is under the imminent threat of water insecurity and biodiversity loss. These stresses on the environment threaten nearly every person on the planet and have the potential to lead to catastrophic disease, hunger, and warfare.

This problem is one of the most pressing challenges of this century, and it cannot be solved by creative technological or policy solutions alone. It requires a multidisciplinary approach and set of solutions premised on an understanding of the complex historical and cultural dynamics between human societies and their environments.

Humans’ relationships with their environments—particularly freshwater environments, such as rivers—are rarely simple. Rivers, for example, often serve as resources upon which humans impose conflicting demands. Most obviously, rivers have served as both sources of clean water and as sinks for domestic and industrial waste. Often, the consequences of human use is unintended and unanticipated, and, importantly, these consequences emerge from multi-local activities which have complex roots in disparate political, economic, social, and cultural systems and practices.

Over the past 250 years, the impact of humans on river ecologies has been profound. Population growth, fossil fuels, global commerce, and industrial chemical processes have combined to amplify and accelerate the environmental consequences of human development. Human migrations have been accompanied by the decline of native species and the introduction of exotics. Agricultural runoff and factory emissions have transformed river ecologies far away from the point of pollution. And, a combination of dredging, building levees and locks, and wetlands development, have altered habitats and stressed ecosystems.

Rivers of the Anthropocene brings together scientists, humanists, social scientists, artists, policy makers, and community organizers to spark interdisciplinary discussion about humans and their freshwater environments—discussions in which specialists can speak across disciplinary and professional boundaries so that the methods and scholarship of each field informs the others. The Rivers of the Anthropocene Research Network recognizes that only by bringing together our areas of expertise—by bridging the arts, humanities, human sciences, earth sciences—are we likely to discover sustainable solutions to the complex environmental problems that we face in the 21st century.

Rivers of the Anthropocene Network

Project Director

Advisory Team

  • Berry, Helen, Professor of History in the School of History, Classics, and Archaeology at Newcastle University, United Kingdom

  • Large, Andy, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography in the School of Geography, Politics, and Sociology at Newcastle University, United Kingdom

  • Scarpino, Phil, Director of the IUPUI Public History Program and Professor of History at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, USA

Project Network Participants


Institutional Affiliations